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22 day Revolution Trail tour - This tour traces the footsteps of Cuba's Revolution during a 22 day journey reaching from Havana to as far as Cuba's first town of Baracoa. Baracoa was where an Indian calledHatuey became Cuba's first revolutionary by organising a resistance against the Spanish invaders. The itinerary includes sights of critical historical importance such as the Bay of Pigs, the Sierra Maestra, the Moncada Barracks, and the Che Guevara Mausoleum in Santa Clara. Groups are accompanied throughout by a guide who has specialist knowledge of Cuban history and who will also provide balanced views of Cuba's Revolution and its current situation. As always the focus is also on interacting with the Cubans and their culture.

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US lawmakers may scrap travel ban to Cuba as early as this year

This week, the U.S. Congress is taking up the issue of the travel ban it places on its own citizens to visit Cuba as tourists. This ban is part of the economic embargo the U.S started against Cuba in 1962. For nearly 50 years, it has been effectively illegal for Americans to travel to Cuba as tourists. Amazingly, it’s currently legal for Americans to travel anywhere in the world as tourists, except Cuba.
California House of Representatives Democrat Sam Farr, believes that legislation to end the ban has enough support in the U.S. House of Representatives to win approval by year-end. The U.S. ended restrictions on Sept. 3 on Cuban-Americans travel and money transfers to relatives in Cuba. The new rules also allow U.S. telecommunications companies to provide service in Cuba for mobile telephone, satellite radio, and television. Exceptions to the 1962 trade embargo on Cuba include $500 million per year in agricultural export.
Obama’s administration has been showing a gradual relaxation and diplomatic opening toward Cuba, shown by the decision to reinitiate talks on migration and direct mail, and also to put down the billboard operated by the U.S. government outside its special interests section in Havana, which often displayed anti-Cuba messages.
Ending the travel ban may lead as many as 1 million Americans to visit the island every year.
Latest Testimonial

Christine Seabrook, Australia - 15 day Original Cuba Tour
Thanks to Cuban Adventures for a wonderful time. I would highly recommend them if you are looking for a company to show you the real Cuba. Special thanks to Natalia our tour guide, and all of the wonderful people I travelled with. Cuba - what a beautiful country! Only a few words are needed to sum up my experience there: gorgeous scenery, gorgeous people, gorgeous seafood and music, music, music, music, music everywhere, and lots of dancing. Oh, and did I mention music! Here is the web page I made about the tour
Thanks for your support!
Kind regards John Ahrens - Manager Big Planet Adventures